Follow Your Dreams

The price is worth paying

Welcome back its been a hell of a week so settle in for a fun read.

Random Thoughts 🤯

Following Your Dreams Is Costly, But Everything in Life Comes with a Cost

Following your dreams comes with its own challenges. For me, as a stand-up comedian, it means endless travel, constant writing, self-criticism, and sleepless nights. It’s exhausting, no doubt about it. But this is what I’ve wanted to do since I was a kid, sitting up late at night watching Eddie Murphy, Lee Evans, and any stand-up comedy I could find on TV. I was in awe of their ability to make people laugh, and I knew it was what I wanted.

Now, I’m in the rare position of turning that passion into my day job. I’m tired. But I’d to be tired no matter what I do. You can either be tired doing something you hate or tired doing something you love. I’ve chosen the latter, and I’m lucky to have that choice. If you have the chance to follow your dreams, even if it’s costly, take it. At least then, the price is worth paying.

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Science Corner: The Psychology of Romantic Relationships

Why do we fall in love? Psychology offers some insights into the formation of romantic relationships. One key idea is attachment theory, which suggests that how we bonded with our parents as children shapes how we connect with romantic partners. If we had secure attachments growing up, we tend to seek healthy, supportive relationships. On the other hand, if those early bonds were inconsistent or neglectful, we might struggle with trust or become overly dependent in relationships.

Another important theory is the social exchange theory, which explains relationships as a kind of “emotional bank account.” People get into and stay in relationships when the rewards—like love, companionship, and emotional support—outweigh the costs, such as time, effort, or conflict. Finally, there’s the similarity-attraction effect, which shows that we’re more likely to be drawn to people who share our values, beliefs, and interests.

At its core, romantic relationships fulfil our need for connection, intimacy, and belonging. They’re not just about love; they’re about finding someone who makes us feel understood and supported—a fundamental human need.

Muhsin’s Weekly Recs

This week, I recommend Heretic, a psychological thriller starring Hugh Grant.

The film delves into fascinating themes of belief and control, keeping you gripped without relying on cheap scares. What makes it truly stand out is Hugh Grant’s performance—he takes the awkward, lovable charm we know from his rom-com days and twists it into something sinister and sadistic. It’s unsettling, brilliant, and a must-watch for anyone who enjoys layered characters and thought-provoking storytelling.

And that’s it for the Kebab Club this week

Maybe a smile crept across your face, or a stray thought decided to take up residence in the back of your mind. Perhaps, just perhaps, these words provided a delightful escape from the relentless march of chores that seem determined to overwhelm you.

Till next week.



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